Home > Affiliate Marketing > Search Marketing: How a simple copy change increased conversion 21%

Search Marketing: How a simple copy change increased conversion 21%

Serving customers in an effective manner starts with gaining intelligence. Rather than the kind of intelligence needed to solve Sudoku puzzles or win in a game of chess, it’s more about knowing what your customers like and what they want. For example, how could your product or service improve their career? How could what you’re offering help their business? What keeps them up and thinking at night? It is true that in order to serve your customers effectively that you need to understand how your products or services are relevant to their problems and how you can offer a solution.

The fact that PPC testing can help you build your customer theory inexpensively is also worth mentioning. There have been some recent PPC ad experiments that you can look at to learn how you can better use testing and optimization to understand your customers’ needs and how you can build a deeper relationship with them.

Take a look at the overview on the test background:

Background: A CRM software solution for small and large businesses

Primary Research Question: Which PPC will result in the most clicks?

Goal: To boost the total number of clicks

Approach: A/B multifactorial variable cluster


The original ad emphasizes the fact that the software is industry-leading and can be completely integrated into a business.


Optimized ad uses quantified evidence to support and emphasize the claim that the software is the most used software suites in their respective vertical.


The treatment that emphasized both widespread adoption and third-party credibility outperformed the control by a relative difference of about 21%.

What you need to know is that relevance is the degree to which an offer is connected to the recipient’s motivations. Relevance is what customers what, and it is important to note that they want your products to be relevant on their terms instead of yours.

Your ability to connect with those customers play a large role in how effective you are at taking advantage of that relevance.


Source article:  Marketing Experiments

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