5 Tips To Get You Noticed At Your Next Marketing Event

Both big and small marketing events such as AdTech and Social Media Week often have even the most outgoing marketers huddling in the corner. Coming from someone that sometimes has difficulties breaking the ice in social situations, you all have my sympathies. It can indeed be a daunting task to

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5 Tips That Will Keep Your WordPress Site Secure

It’s a new year, with a whole heck of a lot of changes happening on our little spec of dust that we call Earth. This makes it the perfect time to do a security check on your WordPress site. Think of it as an annual check-up but for your website. A

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Changes to TCPA Related-Issues Likely Under Next Chairman of FCC

On January 23, 2017, President Trump appointed Commissioner Ajit Pai to serve as the next chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.  Pai was appointed to the FCC in 2012 and has vehemently criticized the FCC on TCPA rulings and orders.  Many believe that his appointment will result in significant changes

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