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Top 5 Audiobooks to Listen to On your Holiday Commute

Whether you are just starting out or even still in the dreaming stages, making money online is the ultimate goal for many.  But the question remains for equally as many: How?  How can you reach that goal of manifesting the desired income to gain both freedom and increased wealth, especially when the playground rules seem to be forever changing.

The first logical place to start is knowledge. Learn from those that have already obtained and even surpassed their own personal goals of success.  So why not use the time spent in the car, airplane, or even train to listen to the following audiobooks.

How to Make Money Online in 2017 by Brandon Herrera

Learn the strategies Brandon Herrera used to make money online in 2017 with nothing but a basic laptop and a Wi-Fi connection.


Leading Technology of 2017: And Why You Should Know Them by Adidas Wilson

Technology is an ever shifting and evolving platform, and whether we like it or not, it is here to stay. Adidas Wilson discusses the innovation of well established companies that have used technological advances in their favor.


SEO 2017 for Growth: The Ultimate Guide to Learn Search Engine Optimization with internet Marketing Tips by Lela Gibson

In this 2017 and beyond SEO guide, Lela Gibson simplifies everything SEO, allowing you to reap the rewards from the largest marketplace in the world: the Internet.


Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty

Piketty shows that modern economic growth and the breakdown of knowledge as a whole have allowed us to avoid inequalities on the apocalyptic scale which was predicted by Karl Marx.


Spark Joy: A Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Kondo presents an in-depth manual on how to declutter and organize specific items throughout the house, from kitchen and bathroom items to work-related papers and hobby collections. Listener-friendly examples illustrate Kondo’s patented folding method as it applies to shirts, pants, socks, and jackets as well as properly organized drawers, closets, and cabinets. This book is perfect for anyone who wants a home – and life – that sparks joy.





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