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Making a Mobile App

The world has changed immensely over the past decade. As mobile phones have become more popular and technology has advanced, the way businesses market to customers has also changed. More and more people are searching and using their phones to access the Internet. It only makes sense that your business exist where your customers are. You can do that with apps.

Any business serious about remaining competitive needs to know how to create a mobile app. Here are some tips to help you create an amazing app that people want to share.

#1 Allow your customer to make suggestions on your mobile app.

They like to engage with you and this is any easy way to do so. It also benefits you because you can learn exactly what it is your customers want and need from your business. Studies have shown that engaging customers in this way increases their loyalty.

#2 Think “Mobile User Friendly”

You want the app to be easy to use and you have to take into account how a mobile phone differs from a traditional platform like PCs and Macs. The smaller screen presents unique challenges. Keep this in mind when working with your developer.

#3 Survey the App Marketplace

This is pretty obvious but is 100% necessary. Make sure you look for apps that may be similar to what you’ve come up with. Take notes. Write bullet points of what you do and don’t like. What are those apps missing? How can you improve or innovate? The last thing the world needs is another “fart” app. Don’t be that guy.

#4 Development

Hiring a professional developer isn’t a bad idea. Especially if you’re not technically inclined. If you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty then you may want to try your hand at mobile app creation software. There are a ton of options available. Here are a few popular programs.

  • http://www.shoutem.com/
  • http://www.appmakr.com/
  • http://appsmakerstore.com/
  • http://yapperapp.com/

#5 Refine & Improve

Once your app has been developed, you can’t just let it sit there. Make sure you keep refining the app to meet the ever changing needs of your customers. Update the app, make changes based on customer concerns and things of this nature.

#6 Promote!

Do a pre-launch utilizing social media to spread the word about your new app. Plan multiple version releases. Collect name and emails on your site to build a list of people interested in your app. Do your best to get the word out there about your app and stay consistent.

Have you launched an app yet? Share your story in the comments below!

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