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How To Build a Killer SEO’d Page

how to do on page seo

Rolling out a successful site is not hard (in this case successful = a site that ranks well in Google). In fact if you’ve done your homework right you can launch a small site in the right niche, rank, and profit in a matter of a few months. When you add in SOLID on-page search engine optimized content – you rank even faster.

There’s a funny thing that happens when applying some savvy on page skills… it improves user experience. Good on page tactics improve your organization making it easier for your visitor to find what they want as much as it helps the spiders.

Good User Exprience + Solid SEO Technical Attributes = A winning site

Let’s jump into it.

Factor 1 – Page URLs:

A good url is a keyword rich url. Depending on the CMS you’re using, your page title will most likely become your url. WordPress does not do this unless you’ve configured it to do so.

Factor 2 – Page Titles (Meta Title)

Typically my page title is a targeted keyword. Sometimes though that title has more words than just the targeted keyword. If that’s the case – try and make sure the targeted keyword is at the front of the title.

Factor 3 – Page Description (Meta Description)

This is your chance to write an enticing description while utilizing the target keyword at least once. This does not have as much “ranking” value as it does “clicking” value within the SE’s listings.

Factor 4 – Headline in H1 or H2 Tags

SEO your web page

This will be the title of your article. Since you’ve used your keyword at the front of the title, it will work well in the headline.

Factor 5 – Target Keyword in 1st Paragraph and Last.

Not much else to say about this. Just do it. Don’t stress over “keyword density” beyond this rule. Let the rest fall where it may and write the best quality content you can (or can afford to outsource). Natural, high quality content will have the appropriate density as well as good LSI phrases. LSI phrases are they types of phrases that naturally show up when talking about your target phrase while not be the same as your target phrase.

For example – how does the search engine tell the difference between a page about a fork in the road and a fork in the road. One page is going to be mentioning phrases like silverware, knives, dishes, and food. The other – directions, maps, and perhaps Robert Frost. See the difference?

Factor 6 – Relevant Image using Keyword Alt Tag

Always add images to your pages.  It makes them look better, makes them more useful, and gives you an opportunity to optimize more.

Those are the ol’ hum drum basics. But we can take this further and we should.

Factor 7 – Subheadings in H2 or H3 tags

Factor 8 – Outgoing link to authoritative content (ie: wikipedia, mayoclinic)

If you can, make this link a light grey color. Ideally we don’t want folks clicking off of our site. Grey reduces the number of clicks a link will get. We’re doing this strictly for the one page seo benefits.

Factor 9 – LSI Internal Linking

This is a link from your page to another of your pages using an LSI related phrase. You can find LSI phrases by searching your target phrase here – http://lsikeywords.com/

Factor 10 – Wiki Style On Page TOC (table of contents)

If your page consists many sections about your target keyword (product reviews will often be this way, other will too) You should make each section a subhead, then create a TOC box at the top of the page linking to each section using the subhead as the anchor text.

I learned this one from Wikipedia. Just about every page they publish works this way.

Another great affiliate authority site example of this is http://amazingribs.com

Got any other tips that work for you?  Hit the comments and share with everyone!  Cmon – it’ll be your good deed for the day 😉

5 thoughts on “How To Build a Killer SEO’d Page

  1. Thx. That was a good read. But I dont understand Factor 8. What you mean by outgoing link? My site is pointing to an authority site or the other direction?

  2. An outgoing link would be a link that points from your page to an authority page on the topic.

  3. Dustin good read. on http://www.lsikeywords.com what does the number behind the 1,2,or 3 keyword groupings mean?
    appreciate the idea about the TOC thought…i already started a vision on that….solid!
    I also bold, underline or italicize keywords as I understand that to be seo enriched as well. Hope that helps!


  4. Outgoing links to an authority site is good advice. I like to put 3 or 4 of those in my footer, then link them to high authority, on topic sites like Wikipedia, .gov , Ezine, etc.

    That way you don’t have to put them into your content and risk a higher chance of unintentionally losing your viewer to another site.

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