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How To Profit Forever

We live in uncertain times. That’s a “macro” perspective with “micro” level implications.

What the hell am I talking about?  It’s a bit cryptic but what I’m talking about is…you.

What drives you in this business? Is it the lure of money? Freedom? Cars? Sex? I hope you know. You’re going to need it (and I hope it’s more meaningful than most of those examples).

You’ll need it when the shit hits the fan as it so frequently does.

You’ll need it when your most profitable offers are pulled.

You’ll need it when Google slaps you and your only source of traffic is gone (erasing your income at the same time).

You’ll need it when the challenges become so great that you question why you’re doing this “business” in the first place.

metaphorical stormUncertainty is an uncomfortable place to operate from. Unfortunately our business has more uncertain moments than many. With the pace of technology change, tactical changes, and even legal changes you never know where you’ll land when the storm resides.

This isn’t a scare tactic to get you to buy something, although you might feel like it by the end.

This is a shot across the bow to wake you up. You’d be surprised at how many people are sleeping.

So how do you help weather the storms and stay relevant in an ever changing industry? Of course education should be on the top of the list. Read industry blogs, network with industry professionals. These are all great things to do. After all what’s the one thing that no one can take away from you with a click of a mouse, or the result of a court case?

Your mind.

Learn marketing and sales at a fundamental level. No matter what happens you’ll be equipped with the skills and know how to dig out of any hole you find yourself in. You might just find that it helps you get better at what you’re already doing.

Here are a few suggestions for your reading pleasure:

#1 – Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkinds

#2 – Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz

#3 – Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

#4 – Ogilvy On Advertising by David Ogilvy

#5 – Guerilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits From Your Small Business

#6 – Getting Everything You Can From All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham

Improving your marketing mind will create confidence.  No matter what changes you’ll have the ability prosper.

What have you read lately?  Any additions to these classic marketing and advertising books?

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