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Tis the Taxation Season

It’s that time of the year, folks…

That’s right, tis’ the taxation season! (Hip, hip… hooray?)

Generally speaking, the unabashed joy or unbridled sadness that one experiences when tax season rolls around usually ties directly into whether or not you’re going to be getting money from the government via a tax refund or you’re going to have to pay the government/IRS when it’s all said and done.

Regardless, it’s time to utilize the naturally-enhanced traffic for this particular “holiday” in order to kickstart your online marketing for anything and everything tax related. Not to mention, this is also a great way to get your ass in gear and actually start doing some consistent, disciplined work if you’ve been lazy the last few weeks/months. Mainly because making money with all this is so darn easy!

While “technically” tax time, I suppose, couldn’t really be considered a “holiday”, per se, it may as well be one due to it affecting absolutely everybody equally regardless of race, political beliefs, religion, age or gender. As such, the aforementioned boost in natural, organic, holiday-specific SERP traffic and/or activity is absolutely astronomical.

There are, if all of the shameless pessimists who spout this maxim are to be believed, only two certainties in life: death and taxes. So you might as well try and make some money off of one of all this, right? (Especially considering that you know for a fact that this opportunity’s going to come along every year and can subsequently bank on it!)
Now, for some reason — and I’m not entirely sure why, exactly — the vast majority of the American public haven’t quite figured out that you can actually do your own taxes… by yourself… for FREE yet. Not just the “free credit report” kind of free, either, but the “actually and legitimately free” kind of free. Not to mention you can do all of this in approximately eight-and-a-half minutes as well, all by simply utilizing the proper IRS government site and utilities. It’s seriously not that difficult at all unless you’re that guy who owns like twelve boats, a private airplane and has a star named after him.

If this is the case, you probably aren’t going to be able to get away with doing your own taxes by yourself (you legend, you!). But seriously, unless you have a metric ton of assets and write-offs and all sorts of other ultimately-unnecessary-but-nonetheless-required-under-the-penalty-of-death-by-the-IRS nonsense, it’s not that hard to do on your own. But alas, this isn’t even the point of all this – the point is, doing your taxes is ridiculously easy. So all you need to do is just play this up while promoting whichever tax offer you end up promoting.

Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans – for whatever reason — want to pay to use some random online tax service. Maybe because they think it’s easier or something? They want a random tax service that will ever-so kindly charge them a fee for essentially explaining already — by their very nature — super basic things, all the while guiding them through the entire process, hand-in-hand, as if they were in the third grade.

To each their own, I guess?

In the end, it’s not important to understand why. What is important is that you take full advantage of it monetarily — as much as you possibly can.

There are a vast multitude of various CPA tax offers you can utilize to do all this, but your best bet is to simply contact your favorite network’s Affiliate Manager and ask him which particular tax offer is either currently – or has the best history of – performing the best.

While direct linking these types of offers – especially on sites like Facebook where you can laser-target the demographic you’re targeting (just make sure you cloak, cloak, cloak!) – is a viable option, you’ll be just as well off should you decide to go the landing page route. Literally any kind of traffic, no matter the method, is going to do well so long as it’s within the relatively small time frame of tax season (think the next month or so).
Just do what you do best with any type of offer and take full advantage of the wonderfully naïve nature of the American public.

So what are you waiting for? Stop reading and start promoting!

Good luck! (Not that you really need it, but still…)

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