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2014 Holiday Retail Audit: Hidden Opportunities Revealed for Competitive Differentiation in Time for Holiday

A survey carried out by eBay Enterprise of over 1,000 online retailers revealed that retailers are prioritizing investments in marketing, customer service and price over strategic infrastructure. Retailers have refocused their efforts on ramping up their marketing campaigns by investing in data capture and analytical software including email promotions, social media and search engine optimization. These investments are also helping retailers become better prepared to capture consumer data in-store so they can create real customer interactions that are more meaningful, driving both online and offline purchasing.

Security is a significant concern for large retailers, about 65 percent of them reported an increased concern to improve data security at their companies. Retailers are also focusing more on ease of entry instead of global market opportunity, with 45 percent of large online retailers planning to launch plans for global expansions for holiday 2014. As mobile commerce continues to grow retailers are doing more to tweak the experience of their site to adapt to new mobile operating systems and devices without needing to invest in new site infrastructure by using responsive web design. Overall there has been a lack of investment in mobile commerce that gives retailers an opportunity to capture a significant market share if they can make their mobile experience stand out from the crowd.


Source:  Ebayenterprise.com

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