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EU Regulators Enforcing GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation became effective on May 25, 2018. Since that time, European data protection authorities have aggressively initiated enforcement actions and levied numerous fines. For example, the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office recently charged a Canadian company of misusing personal data of U.K. individuals for targeted advertising purposes, such as names and email addresses.

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Top SEO Trends in 2019 [Infographic]

Year after year, the scenery of Search Engine Optimization (SEO, gets even more complicated, aka sophisticated. Advanced growth in the search optimization industry such as semantic search, artificial intelligence, and visual search have drastically altered the way people discover and access content online. Check out this infographic from Digital Marketing

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What Can Entrepreneurs Learn From Millennial Buying Habits?

It is generally an accepted belief that Millennials live their lives on the internet.  We have all witnessed the familiar behavior - hunched over their iPhones, iPads, Droids, etc. It might be assumed that they even do most of their shopping via mobile apps.   New data, however, suggests that the

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How Much Affiliate Fraud was Apart of Record Cyber Monday?

Adobe revealed that U.S. consumers set new a new record on this passed Cyber Monday. This year’s shopping expenditures racked up a whopping $7.9 billion.  According to Business Insider, affiliate marketing represented 16% of those billions spent.  Chargebacks911, a leading dispute mitigation and loss prevention firm, warns that affiliate-driven profitability

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