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Branded Merchants – Should they allow Social

With the New Year off to a BIG start for many in our industry I’ve been thinking about what changes and improvements I would like to see take place. Being involved in ecommerce for the past 8 years and working directly with the Advertisers first at HackerSafe, then with my Ecommerce

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8 Steps to Massive PPC and Facebook Profits

Why have I focused multiple posts on facebook advertising recently? Simple...facebook is a HUGE traffic source that can churn out significant profits.  I shouldn't have to tell you that if you're not tapping into facebook traffic you are missing out on a potentially massive profit stream. There is a lot of information

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Beat the FaceBook Review Problem

Sick of Getting Your Ads Rejected by Facebook?  Try this… Any affiliate marketer doing volumes that utilizes facebook as a traffic source has dealt with facebook banning ads.  Facebook can be very ban-happy, especially when dealing with ads placed by affiliate marketers. There are of course many techniques and strategies for trying

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