Hyper-Local Targeting Now Available on Mobile – Jumptap

I know that we have been covering a ton of mobile marketing information here on the blog recently, but it’s for good reason.  Mobile marketing innovations are currently exploding, resulting in countless new opportunities for affiliate marketers. Another new opportunity has “jumped up” in local mobile marketing which will specifically provide

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5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Seasonal Advertising

Now that Valentine's Day is over, do you feel like you’ve capitalized on the holiday, or do you think you could have strategized better and come out of the holiday more profitable? Seasonal advertising takes a great deal of planning in order to be successful, but more importantly it requires

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Facebook to Offer Mobile Ads – HUGE Opportunity

Another piece of news on the mobile marketing front…and once again another opportunity to potentially cash in huge. According to the Financial Times, Facebook is set to launch advertising on mobile devices.  This comes as no surprise for a few reasons: 1 – Facebook is looking to increase revenues any way possible

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Time Sensitive Admob Mobile Ads Opportunity – Cash In Now

Recently, admob made an announcement that they are changing the AdMob auction for their CPC ads.  Checkout their official announcement:  To ensure that we deliver the most effective mobile ads marketplace to our customers we are changing the AdMob auction for all cost-per-click (CPC) ads. Effective February 15, 2012, AdMob will move

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4 Steps to MASSIVE Profits – Demo Targeting Part 2

At this point you should have a basic demographic profile of the type of person you are looking to get your ad and offer in front of.  You should have information like:  gender, age, race, education, income, etc. After my last post, I got a ton of questions about the basics

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Psychographic Resarch – Know your Target Market

As affiliate marketers, we have to make significant investments on promoting our campaigns on advertising platforms such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own way of determining how ads are ranked as well as determining the user profile so that the ads delivered are as

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Making the Most of Your Affiliate Manager

In the expansive world of internet marketing, making connections with strong partners and utilizing all of the resources available is key in running a successful business.  If you are working with a network, one of those invaluable resources is your affiliate manager or advertising rep.  These professionals have extensive training

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