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Content Marketing Trends to Follow in 2017

As a content marketer it is not only a good rule of thumb to keep up on current trends, but also to look forward into the future for helpful tips that could very well either make your marketing agenda or brake it. For instance, what trends will carry over from this

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Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 6]

This is a continuation of the previous posts “How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 1], Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 2], Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 3],  Mini-Course:

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Soon to be illegal to punish customers who criticize businesses online

Congress has just passed a law further protecting the right of the US consumer, essentially saying it is A-OK to post negative reviews or slander online in regards to a particular business without fear of that business seeking some sort of retaliation. The bipartisan Consumer Review Fairness Act was passed by

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Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 5]

This is a continuation of the previous posts “How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 1], Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 2], Mini-Course: How to start a blog that will actually make you money [Part 3] &

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