Instagram Memories – Another Snapchat Copy?

It's Déjà Vu all over again!  Another day, yet another seemingly blatant copy of a Snapchat feature by Instagram. The Facebook owned photo sharing app on Tuesday debuted Archive, which allows it's users to move posts that have been previously shared to a private stashed archive. As Instagram explains, it allows users

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Tips for Branding Yourself Online Like the Rock Star That You Are!

By now I’m positive that you are sick of hearing just how important “a brand” is for your business. But what about the importance of your own personal brand? In a swirling sea of digital information, you need to stand out in the crowd as an expert in your industry. When

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What Telemarketer’s Need to Know About the “SCAMS Act”

Shortly after being named the acting chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Maureen Ohlhausen stated that a consumer protection priority during her tenure will be stopping fraudulent schemes targeting vulnerable individuals, including the elderly. The Commission is making good on that promise. In May 2017, the FTC announced a broad-sweeping nationwide and

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs A New Facebook Cover Design [Infographic]

  Realize the Importance of a Customized Facebook Infographic for Your Small-to-Medium Business: Refresh your SMB’s Facebook cover image If you have not recently rejuvenated your SMB’s cover image, you are lulling the potential in your business’ performance. Increase your SMB’s bottom line performance by increasing your Facebook likes. According to Inside

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Dear App Developers: Think Twice Before Going Mobile-Only

Following predictions by technology analysts traced to back 2008, the rate of global mobile Internet usage finally surpassed desktop Internet usage in 2016.  It’s clear the ways in which individuals interact with technology are changing, and with it, the fabric of contemporary life. Once considered the purview of hip twenty

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