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Website Monetization for Publishers: Techniques for the Rest of 2019

The number of adblocking programs being downloaded is constantly growing at an exponential rate. Users are happy, as there’s almost nothing distracting them from their surfing, but publishers are not for obvious reasons. This article will be extremely helpful to those who suffer from adblocking software and would like to use

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Twitter Looking to Boost Ad Promotions with Video

App installs are a key goal for the $101 billion global app industry, whose downloads rose 35% to 194 billion last year from 2016, according to researcher App Annie. According to researcher Pelham Smithers, game developers are especially most interested in app install metrics. This is especially true this year

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Prague iGaming Affiliate Conference: Event on marketing in gambling

On April 18th, for the first time ever, the capital of the Czech Republic will host an event at the intersection of iGaming and affiliate marketing. Its organizer, Smile-Expo, will gather marketers, arbitrage experts, online casino operators, and investors, all in one place. The event will take place in the

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How does a Programmatic Buying Platform work?

To catch users attention is getting more and more difficult. We have banner blindness, adblocking software and many others things that contribute to this problem. As advertising is changing and growing, a new trend has developed to solve such problems - Programmatic Advertising. One of its best features is to

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YouTube Updates It’s Community Three-Strike Policy

For the first time since 2010, YouTube has started the process of updating its three-strikes policy.  This is all in an effort to maintain consistency and simplification across the whole community. On Tuesday, YouTube announced in a blog post changes to its strikes system as it applies to content flagged

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