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How much marketing automation technology is too much?

In this high tech push-of-a-button day and age, it’s easy to get pulled into the hype of all the latest and greatest of automation technologies. However, even with all of that automation technology right at your fingertips it won’t make us better marketers if we aren’t actually using it. So how

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How to Protect Your Profit in the Affiliate Industry

By Moris Katzobashvili, Sales Director Edge226 Moris holds over 5 years of experience in the industry, Supply and Demand Master, Consulting Startups, Senior Ad-Networks, Affiliate Networks and SSP’s, B2B Leader in company growth and in exploring new verticals.  ROI, Margin, Profit, Revenues – We measure our entire network and business success in

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What Can Marketers Take Away from the United Fiasco

It was all the buzz heard around the world: A 69-year old doctor that was literally dragged out of his seat on an overbooked United flight. And of course as is now the norm, passengers were quick to record the whole debacle on their cell phones, just like any good

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The Ultimate Digital Marketing Roadmap [Infographic]

You have an idea, a concept, maybe even a somewhat clear plan. First step (well one of the first), mobile optimized website. Next - advertising, SEO, Social Media, and so on. There is arguably so much to accomplish before you can flip that entrepreneur switch.  Wouldn't it be nice if there was

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A Novice’s Path to Landing Page Optimization

I’m positive you have heard the following before, if not a gazillion times: Optimize your landing pages. Write killer headlines. Test everything. Even though these mantras have been shoved down every internet marketers throat from Florida to Tim-Buk-Too, I’d wager to say that the majority of those reading this very post haven’t

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Make money sending web push notifications with ReachMobi

In an ever-evolving online landscape, niche publishers and content marketers always keep a keen eye towards new revenue-generating opportunities. Monetized web push notifications are a new way to monetize your audience that is well worth looking into. Leading the way is ReachMobi, a web push notifications provider who've built the first

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Facebook Goes Head to Head With GoFundMe and Other Crowdfunding Sites

Facebook recently announced their newest addition to their already massive array of services already offered via their social media platform.  Anyone ages 18 or up will soon be able to create a "personal fundraiser" to help with significant life events, such as medical bills, tuition, weddings, etc. The feature will roll

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